The Beach at Kyle Farm

Tuesday 2's Volleyball
Volleyball is ON for 9/10!

Level:  Advanced (AA/A) - 8 Teams

          Intermediate (BB/B) - 8 Teams


Referees: Teams assigned to referee other matches.


Cost:  $120 per team per session


So, general rules for subs:
1. A team can have 3 players on the roster
2. A 3rd player may be added up to week 3 (extended in extreme injuries with approval from the committee)
3. Rostered players must play 3x to be eligible for playoffs (The 3rd player is basically your full time "sub")
4. A team may have a non rostered player sub a max of 2x a season & that player should be deemed about the same level or below for the person they are subbing for (to be validated and approved by the opposing team & if needed by committee)
5. Players can sub cross-division or inter-division with the approval of the opposing team, preferably before game time, as long as they meet the equal playing eligibility rule. 
6. The 3rd rostered player and subs must be announced and noted on the scoresheet (recorded by reffing team)

General Rules for Reffing
1. League follows USAV Rules
2. For Regular season, teams will self-ref with a score-keeper acting as an additional set of eyes
3. If a call is not agreed upon, the play will result in a redo
4. Multiple calls for the same infraction should can be discussed with the committee
5. For playoffs, an up ref from another team in the opposite division will be assigned

Guidelines for Gameplay:
1. Regular season matches will be played 3 games to 21
2. Win by 2, cap of 23 points
3. Games MUST start on time. If a team is 10 minutes late they forfeit the first game. 
The ref will call out the time at 20 past the hour to let team know they have 10 min left to finish.
Ties at the end of the hour will be a "next point wins" 

Rules:  All USAV rules apply and will be enforced. 

Rain Policy:  Games are rain or shine.  Matches will only be called for thunder and lightning and other hazardous conditions


The league is run by a commission.  Contact information to follow.